Hoshana Rabba Evening// October 22
Farbrengen & Kumzitz followed by the recital of the entire Tehillim in honor of the final day of judgment 10:00 pm
Hoshana Rabba Morning// October 23
Morning Services: 9:00 am
*Don't forget to make an Eiruv Tavshilin before Yom Tov!
Shemini Evening// October 23
Evening Services & Hakafot: 6:00 pm
Shemini Atzeret // October 24
Morning Service: 10:00 am
Yizkor 11:30 am
Evening Services, Hakafot & Dinner: 7:00 pm
we will dance and commemorate
Simchat Torah // October 25
Morning Service & Hakafot: 10:00 am
Evening Services: 6:00 pm
Shabbat morning// October 26
Morning Services: 10:00 am